How to Accept Your Financial Aid Offer

Accepting Your Offer

  1. 如果你是体育菠菜大平台的新学生,你的经济援助将邮寄到你的地址 MyBLUE,电邮至您的首选电邮地址,并可在您的 MyBLUE. If you are a current student at 体育菠菜大平台, 你的经济援助offer将被发送到你的Loper邮箱,并且可以在你的主页上查看 MyBLUE.

  2. 如果你是一名大一新生,在体育菠菜大平台开始你的第一学期, 你需要注册新学生入学(NSE). 体育菠菜大平台招生将在注册时与您联系.

  3. Scholarships and grants are automatically accepted for you. Work-study and loans will need to be accepted or declined. 要接受/拒绝勤工俭学或贷款,请登录您的 MyBLUE. 点击“经济援助”选项卡,然后点击“接受/拒绝录取”选项卡. 点击你想接受/拒绝经济援助的学年. 查看您的权利和责任,然后单击“继续”.在“奖励行动”旁边,使用下拉菜单接受全额奖金, accept a partial amount, or decline the offer. 在接受学生贷款时,只借你需要的钱. 记住,你所获得的贷款是整个学年(秋季学期)的, spring semester, summer term).

  4. 如果你是第一次接受联邦直接补贴或无补贴贷款, you will need to complete a Master Promissory Note and Entrance Loan Counseling.

  5. Report any outside scholarships that you received in your MyBLUE. You can do this by logging into your MyBLUE, clicking on the “Financial Aid” tab, 然后点击屏幕右侧的“校外奖学金报告”.

  6. Review the financial aid checklists.